Tag Archives: worst selfies

Travel Tip: 6 Worst Selfies to Take on Vacation

If you hate selfies as much as we do, keep reading. We all know on social media those especially annoying photos where we all mutter “ugh” and keep scrolling. We have started a ‘selfie nation’ and that is a trend that’s not showing any signs of stopping. And, just because you #selfie, does not justify your actions, I see you Kim Kardashian. However, there is a right way to do the selfie. On top of a mountain peak you just climbed? Selfie time. Swimming under-water with sharks? Heck yeah I want to see that.

Your friends and family know what you look like, there is no need for a constant pictures to remind them of your facial features. Here are our Top 6 worst selfies and the photos to never take on a vacation.

Private Jet Selfie:


For the Dan Bilzerians of the world, it’s great that you have a private jet. However, taking the obvious “Look-I-am-in-a-private-jet-photo”  is tacky and makes your class level dwindle down, especially if the private jet isn’t even yours. This also goes for the kids on the private yachts. Stay classy!



Selfie at a Memorial:


There is nothing more disrespectful than a selfie in a memorial. I recently saw a girl smiling while taking a tasteless selfie at the Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial, it literally made me sick. For all those people that love posting selfies, newsflash, you are not the main focus here. Has the new generation forgotten the meaning of the word narcissism?



Hot Dogs or Legs?


We all know this photo, the one where its you laying on beach, but its not you, its just your legs. It’s the photo that screams, “I want to show off my skinny tan legs while also letting everyone know I am at the beach”. It’s tacky, cheesy, and very obvious. Next time why don’t you take a cute picture, or better yet get someone else to take the picture of yourself playing in the water? Then it will actually look like you did something on your vacation besides sit there and take pictures of yourself.



Reckless Selfie:


The worst thing you can do to perpetuate the horrible American Tourist stereotype is to do something reckless and ignorant. For instance, if you see something terrible going on, say a house burning or a crash, this is not the time to pull out your phone and take a picture, this is the time to call 9-1-1! On top of that, if you happen to been somewhere exotic, try not to turn your back on a wild animal and take a selfie, but actually enjoy the trip you are on. Are you trespassing? Don’t photograph the evidence. Are you committing a crime in that area? Definitely don’t alert the local police by posting it on the Internet. However, taking a picture of you skydiving or swimming with whales is totally cool and I highly recommend it.



Smug Gym Selfie:


I think celebrities are the worst perpetrators of this. From Justin Bieber showing his 12 year old abs, to the Kardashian sisters posing while they pretend to work out. There is no need to reiterate how toned and buff your body is. It’s one thing if someone takes the photo of you in action; it’s another if you take it of yourself in the mirror. I’m all for busting my butt in the gym, but I think the delayed gratification of showing off your worked-hard-for body in a summer dress picture is much more satisfying.



Over-posting photos:


Uploading more than one photo at a time to Instagram is frustrating, which one do I pick to like? I can’t like more than one, because let’s be honest, that seems over-eager. Pick one photo that sums up all the other photos, put the cool low-fi filter on it, and stick to that one. If you MUST post more than one, make a collage of Polaroid photos, it makes you look not only super cool but also artistic and thoughtful. Also, over-sharing on both Facebook and Instagram has become a problem. No one wants to hear the dirty details of you and your boyfriends break-up, NO ONE. We all get the cryptic song lyrics, bible verses, and incoherent rants, it’s a cry for attention that has us all bugged.
