Tag Archives: stay healthy traveling

Travel Tip: Stay Healthy Traveling

Do you every feel like you are eating a stick of butter every time you order a meal at the airport or on an airplane? If so, we’re here to help.

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Healthy eating while on the road is by no means an easy task. Most of us usually hop on a plane several times a month to embark on a different journey, only to find ourselves feeling guilty on Monday morning due to our poor meal choices during the trip.

On average I travel twice a week, which makes my weekly health regimen challenging to achieve. My life, like yours, is unpredictable and hectic, especially when last minute trips to new fabulous destinations arise. The temptations are everywhere, but the airports and airplanes are what get to me. In fact, my habits were so bad one point, that my usual “once a week free meal pass” to eat whatever I wanted slowly started to increase to three times per week. This was of course until I decided to put a stop to it and work on a healthy solution.

Posh Voyage teamed up with the amazing health coach in Dallas, Healthycorde (Instagram: @Healthycorde), to come up with the ideal lunch boxes for both short and long-haul flights. These recipes are full of antioxidant, hydrating, anti-inflammatory and non-smelly meals so you can feel and look your best:

Long-Haul Flight:


Kale Salad: This popular vegetable (also known as the most complete Superfood) is the perfect lunch to throw in your bag before you head to the airport. It is not only packed with low-cholesterol benefits, fiber, protein, iron and magnesium, it also strengthens your ability to fight the hundreds of diseases flying around airports and planes, prevents puffiness on the face due to the anti-inflammatory benefits and promotes circulation due to the vitamin K.



4 cups packed finely chopped raw kale
1 large red apple chopped
1/2 cup of roasted and salted pistachios
2 tablespoons olive oil
Juice of one lime
1 tablespoon vinegar
1/8 teaspoon sea salt

*Disclaimer: I usually go to my favorite juice and salad bar in Dallas called The Gem and get a few containers to go, their salads are to die for!

 Pair it with a yummy quinoa salad.


Quinoa Salad: This tiny grain won the Crop of the Year’s recognition due to it’s high nutrient content. Eating carbohydrates is the only way to make sure you wont be starving to death an hour after your meal. Carbs are essential, however I am talking about the good kind, not the white starchy kind of carbs. Quinoa is a great source of magnesium to help you sleep through your dreadful long-haul flight, fiber to improve your daily bathroom visits abroad, protein for extra energy when you touch down, and anti-inflammatory benefits to put your shoes back on without feeling like you have Elephantiasis due to the inflammation.



1 cup of quinoa cooked in 1¼ cups water
1/2 red bell pepper chopped finely
Lemon juice
Chopped cilantro
¼ Green onion chopped
1 teaspoon of chopped ginger
Juice of one lime
1 pinch of sea salt
1 pinch of pepper

 Pack a hummus snack for later in the flight.


Hummus: Chickpeas are very healthy because they do not contain any cholesterol or saturated fats. They are also rich in protein and can maintain correct blood sugar levels, which are extremely important so your body can feel satisfied while traveling.

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Short Flight:


Chicken Salad Lunch Box: According to HealthyCorde, in order to keep your blood sugar levels balanced (and avoid an unexpected visit to Five Guys Burgers & Fries) pack this yummy lunch exactly as it is. The chicken and leafs are the perfect balance between lean protein and fiber. A few slices of pita bread will help you calm the urge for carbs. A few veggies are always a great way to hydrate your body. Lastly, chocolate covered pomegranates and blueberries are the best way to treat your sweet tooth while filling your busy traveling self of antioxidants.

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They call me the snack queen, I cannot go anywhere without a few items to munch on while I am on the go. HealthyCorde says I am on the right track, here are a few of her favorite options:

Apple and Almond Butter: Cut an apple and dip it in almond butter, make sure you dip the apple slices in water with a pinch of salt to prevent the apple from oxidizing before packing your lunchbox.


Kind Bar: My favorite bar is the dark chocolate with sea salt because it tricks my taste buds into thinking they are having a yummy desert.

Roasted Almonds: A great source of protein, calcium, fat and protein. It also has potassium, so pairing this with a banana means you will most likely have superman strength by the time you land.

Greek Yogurt: I am obsessed with the Chobani yogurt with flavors you can mix in. It is packed with probiotics, which helps your digestive system stay right on track.


Do not forget to drink an 8oz bottle of water for every hour you are airborne.