Tag Archives: How to cure jetlag

Travel Tip: Kick a Jet-lag’s Ass

For the Posh Voyage Jetsetter, jetlag is the enemy. Drowsiness, lack of appetite and breakouts are just a few of the side effects after a long journey. After years of traveling, I’ve finally decided that it is time to address the issue and rid myself of jetlag forever. Below are some of my favorite goods that help eliminate all of the nasty side effects of jetlag:

Sleep during flights.


If you are like me, and sleeping in long-haul flights is an impossible task if flying coach, pack some Melatonin.  In the past I would watch every movie on the On Demand menu during long-haul flights, and would land feeling like a zombie. Now every time I board a flight longer than 5 hours I force myself to sleep, this helps me adjust to the new time zone and give me the extra kick of energy I need to survive the first day of jet-lag.

Airborne is your new best friend.


When traveling, your body and immune system take a beating. So before you embark on your journey be sure to take in as many vitamins as possible. Thankfully, Airborne provides all of the vitamins and minerals the body needs to fight off all the germs you are susceptible to when flying. So the night before you depart, be sure to head to the nearest CVS and stock up on the 24 pack of Airborne tablets to throw in your carryon!


Neutrogena face towelettes.


One of the main reasons you experience breakouts after traveling is due to clogged pores from not washing off makeup. When flying, the bathrooms definitely are not equipped to handle a night time beauty regimen so you must adjust and get any sort of makeup removing wipe to do the job. Just throw these in your carryon and you’ll be sure to kick any of those pesky breakouts.


Stay Hydrated.


One of the main culprits of jetlag is dehydration; drinking plenty of water prior to and during your trip is crucial. While flying, turn down the complimentary champagne from first class- all it does is dehydrate you more! Opt for water instead and your body will love you much more.

Slowly adjust your body clock.


The week before you depart, push your schedule forward or back one hour (depending on destination). The more time zones you are traveling across, the earlier you will need to start. So try this before any major trips to avoid the struggles of adaption to time change!

And finally, whatever you do, do not take a nap the day you arrive, just drink coffee!