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Borthwick Castle. Edinburgh, Scotland

Scotland’s beauty is no stranger to anyone. It’s breathtaking natural and man-made  wonders would take years to explore and it would be a task that would find yourself swooning the more you see. Personally the most spectacular man-made wonders in Scotland are the Castles dating back to the 13th century.

One of my favorite castles is Borthwick Castle known also known as “Scotland’s Greatest Keep”. The luxurious 15th century Scottish castle is just 12 miles from Edinburgh and it also happens to be available for rent.

This magnificent 600 year-old Castle,  is a phenomenal structure consisting of some 30,000 tons of Ashlar Stone, which was quarried in the local town of Middleton. It was built in 1430 by Sir William de Borthwick, who was granted a royal charter by King James I of Scotland.

Mary Queen of Scots stayed at the castle in June 1567, not long after her marriage to the Earl of Bothwell; Lord Darnley having been murdered in February of that year. The couple had not been at the castle long before word came out that Lord Morton and Lord Lennox were advancing on the castle with a thousand men, intending to take Bothwell by force so that he might be brought to a proper trial for Darnley’s murder. On hearing this, Bothwell left for Dunbar to raise an army, leaving Mary to face the insurgent lords. She refused to let Bothwell be incriminated and told the army surrounding the castle that he had left. While they were re-appraising the situation, she escaped through a narrow window in the Great Hall, disguised as a page boy and rode off from Borthwick Church to rejoin Bothwell.

The Great Hall has a 40 foot vaulted ceiling. Above this there is a second chamber of almost the same height with a rounded vault, which is currently divided into two levels. The walls were hung with tapestries and the ceiling was painted with frescoes. One can still make out the phrase ‘ye tempil of honour’ on the west side, although on the east the phrase ‘ye tempil of religion’ is now unreadable.

If you are a history lover and a luxury hotel lover, this castle will be the perfect spot for you. Anything from a family getway to a corporate retreat, this castle and its grounds will be sure to keep you entertained.

The activities range from horseback riding, golf, hunting, whisky tasting, hiking and more. The castle staff can also arrange for any activity you have in mind to be available at your disposal.

 Photos courtesy of the castle

Worst Travel Experience Ever


As part of Posh Voyage’s last season’s travel theme, we decided to explore and write about the best hotels in Mexico. Of course, not only featuring the most luxurious hotels, but also the hidden gems.

When I decided to stay at Coqui Coqui Tulum as part of my “Mexico Tour” I could not be more excited. It was going to Tulum (which I love), it was going to be whale shark season and I was going to check off the remaining hotel that had been on my to-go list for what felt like the longest time.

I had seen this eco boutique hotel featured in design magazines, travel magazines and travel blogger’s Instagram accounts, so naturally I couldn’t wait to see it first-hand. Since I had heard about it a couple months back, it felt as if I was missing out on staying in one of the best kept secrets in Mexico (similar to L’Otel), and since I am originally from Mexico, that gave me major anxiety.

As I sit in my desk after my two week Mexico tour I must admit, my time at Coqui Coqui was by far one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had at a luxury boutique hotel and here is why:

To start off, the address on the confirmation letter and Google was for their head offices in Tulum, not for the actual hotel, so I got lost about 10 times trying to find the hotel. They were supposed to send detailed directions upon the confirmation of the reservation, but these were never sent to me.

I finally found a tiny sign, but no one in the entrance to tell us where to park, no one to help with our bags and no one to tell us how to get in.  The entrance to the hotel was so ugly it might as well had be a dumpster, so clearly I kept thinking I was in the wrong place.

The 5 foot wide entrance had two old and beat up motorcycles in the entrance and a mini electric plant in the middle, which meant you had to walk around it. I kept walking and began to get excited because in some cases it usually means you are about to be wowed.

Once I finally knocked on the door, and looked up while I waited. The hotel’s architecture was amazing, it blended in perfectly with the Tulum ruins: rocks houses, tall palm trees and white sandy beaches. From afar everything looked great until I decided to walk inside and get close to the furniture… I was shocked. The sofas were ripped, the lobby was dirty and the service was awful.

As I checked in, I informed the receptionist how hard it was to find the hotel and advised that they needed to update the address on the website, only to realize I was speaking to a wall. He didn’t  seem apologetic or say anything comforting. He genuinely didn’t care and didn’t even address the situation until I said I was writing a review on the hotel. His attitude changed only a slight bit by saying he would look into it.

I went up to my room and noticed there was no A/C or fan in my room in the MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER (which is expected at an Eco-friendly hotel), so I opened the windows and decided to take a shower, only to find out that it was a salt-water shower, which made me feel more sticky than before. The salt immediately attracted even more mosquitoes to the point that my legs were bleeding because I could not stop scratching. I decided to put a good face into the entire situation and went to brush my teeth before heading down to have brunch. As I was trying to kill 5 mosquitoes glued to my face while brushing my teeth, I realized it was also salt water, and at that point I almost lost it.

I went downstairs and ordered coffee, a simple black coffee, which usually makes everything better. I  took a sip from my coffee and it was so bad I had to spit it out. This begs the question, how hard is it really to make good coffee? Or do they just not care?

I then made my way down to the beach to calm down, relax and write, after all, that was the reason I was here. The server on the beach was on his phone and never came over to take my order. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, I was the only one there!

The night fell and I was mortified about how my night was going to turn out. I was tempted to change hotels, but I had already paid for the $500 a night room and decided to give it one more try.

The receptionist assured me there were no mosquitoes at night and that I should open my windows to get some fresh air. Even with the windows open, I was sweating profusely while lying in bed. It was so hot that even the thought of lying on top of sheets made me sweat more. I finally fell asleep at 11pm and at 12am a terrible sting in my legs woke me up. More mosquitoes had gotten into the bedroom and had eaten the living hell out of my legs.
I packed my bags, called a taxi at 1:00am and asked him to drive me to the Cancun airport, which was 2.5hrs away. I arrived at 3:00am and sat outside the airport until a security guard opened the airport at 5:00am. I was the first person inside the airport which was a first.

I understand this is an Eco-friendly hotel, but I believe they used that excuse to run a mediocre hotel. Tulum’s idea and vibe are fantastic, but try Be Tulum instead if you are looking for a comfortable and chic hotel.

*Disclaimer: Posh Voyage usually features only the best hotels around the globe, except when our experience is completely unsatisfactory.

Travel Tip: Airplane Etiquette

  • Disclaimer: This photo is extremely graphic. This fellow passenger on my Aspen to Dallas flight inspired me to write this article.


My husband and I took an early flight from Aspen to Dallas last week after an incredible weekend in with friends to celebrate his 33rd birthday and the flight back proved to the end of my “relaxing” vacay.
The incredible weekend came to a jolting end when a the passenger next to me decided to puts both his hands inside this pants after take off, and fell asleep. When I noticed it (4 minutes into the flight) I froze and felt confused.

While I was deciding what to do next, I asked myself: What are basic rules any flier should follow for the sake of everyone around them? So I decided to write this article while flying hoping it would calm my nerves… it didn’t.

Here are the 10 travel commandments you should follow every time your travel, unless you are flying in the comfort of your own plane:


1. Shower and brush your teeth: It is completely inexcusable to not smell nice and clean for others, especially in the close proximity we are forced to be seated.


2. Dress well: Please leave your pajamas at home. Those are meant for only you to see and not the public. Work out clothes? Are you working out at the airport? Leave those at home as well.


3. No aromatic food: If you decide to eat in an enclosed space, make sure it is something that doesn’t smell strong like a sandwich or a cookie. We understand you are hungry, but remember the rest of the airplane is not. Leave Panda Express behind!


4. Leave your feet in the ground: No matter if you are in the bulkhead, leave your feet on the ground. There is nothing worst than the entire flight having to stare at un-pedicured feet. If you are wearing open toe shoes, you should be thrown in the lavatory for your lack of sensibility.


5. Don’t lose your cool: There is nothing more awkward than people losing their cool and bickering to other passengers or gate agents. The best way to get what you want is by being courteous and nice. Even if the other person is not having it, once you respond in a nice manner their attitude will change immediately. Plus, it is not everyone else problem if you are having a bad day so lower your voice.


6. Help others: Offering help to people in front or behind spreads kindness and good manners. The fact that you are traveling alone doesn’t mean you get to worry only about yourself. Rule of thumb: If you are stronger than the person next to you, offer a hand.


7. Change seats: When a family or a couple are traveling together and ask you if you mind changing seats just say yes. Traveling alone means you need to be flexible to accommodate other people, especially if they ask nicely and the other seat is close by. If you have a good seat, say an aisle, and they want to change you to a middle seat (which rarely happens due to common sense) just kindly say you need to be in the aisle due to constant bathroom runs and say you would be happy to change to another aisle seat if the person finds one.


8. Passengers with kids: We understand it is annoying to have a screaming child or a toddler kicking the back of your seat. However, chances are that no one is suffering more than the parents, so quit the occasional evil look and annoyed face. If you cannot handle it, ask the parent nicely if you can change seats with them so you are behind them rather than in front. Remember you were a kid once and you most likely did the exact same thing!


9. Wait until the person in front of you deplanes: This is my biggest pet peeve. If you are behind them, wait until they gather their belongings and start walking unless they ask you to skip them. There is nothing more uncivil than not waiting for your turn. We are all in a hurry to get off, and you do not have any privilege over the person in front or behind you.


And of course the most important…

10. Leave your hands where we can see: I am not naive and I understand there is a certain enjoyment on scratching your private parts when you are a guy. However, STOP! Do that in the comfort of your own couch, not in public.


Want to know what happened next with my fellow passenger?

Before landing I locked myself in the bathroom and wrote this note in a napkin: Just a friendly suggestion. When you are in public do not put your hands under your pants, it makes people around you uncomfortable.

I deplaned before him and anxiously waited for him to come out. As he walked past me, I said: Excuse me this is for you. He was a little thrown off, but I delivered the note and walked as fast as I could without looking back.

I wasn’t sure if I had done the right thing, but better to say something than not for the sake of the next passenger.

Hotel Alfonso XIII. Seville, Spain

At first one would think, walking into the Alfonso XIII hotel, that this was some renovated mosque or cathedral from the Moorish period of Spain. There are traditional Mosque archways, lined with beautiful blue tiles to accentuate what Southern Spain’s culture is famous for. However, the building was actually built originally as a hotel for friends and family for Prince Alfonso’s inauguration in 1929 in Sevilla.

Present day, the hotel boasts 151 rooms, two restaurants, 1920’s reminiscent bar, gym, luxurious pool (perfect for those famously hot summer days), and garden. Their fine-dining restaurant, San Fernando, is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The centerpiece is an open outside dining area, surrounded by the indoor tables adorned with white tablecloths and fine china. Be sure not to miss their buffet breakfast, it has one of the most incredible spreads I have ever seen, start with a cafe con leche and end with the churros and chocolate if you dare. There is also a casual dining option, a delectable Ena Tapas restaurant run by Michelin-starred chef Carlos Abellán. Come summer there will also be a casual pool-side dining venue available.

Each of the rooms comes with a balcony and a view of the bustling streets that run adjacent to the hotel or the lush gardens. Opt for one of the Grand Deluxe Rooms, or if you can spare a few dollars, the Royal Suite. The Royal Suite comes with it’s own kitchen, dining room, two bathrooms, living room, and sumptuous bedroom, all in Philippe Starck design.

Explore the charming and unassuming town of Sevilla via the hotel’s private car or on foot, practically every major attraction is within walking distance from the hotel. Their private concierge can also arrange VIP tickets to many of these attractions, which I highly recommend since they can get very popular in high season. Also, check out our 72 Hour City Guide for more information on where to eat, drink, and be merry in Sevilla.

Travel Tip: La Compagnie. Business Class “Only” Airline

As I look nervously to the gate screen to see if my name cleared the upgrade, I think to myself there must be a less stressful alternative to flying business for the price of coach, and after some research I found that indeed there was.

Can you imagine skipping all those stressful moments of upgrade uncertainty at the gate (and half the time disappointment) and just flying business class at a reasonable price? Well, thanks to the new wave of boutique business class airlines, that is now possible.

Although EOS, MaxJet, SilverJet and MGM Grand Air never actually took off, there were a few carriers that succeeded, and boy we are glad.  Below find our top airline that will get you a good bag for your buck:

La Compagnie. Charles de Gaulle


Aircraft: Boeing 757-200s

Routes: Newark to London Luton and Paris Orly

Number of seats: 72 angled seats

Seat dimensions: Length is 5 ft / width is 27 inches

Great for: Shorter travelers

Best seat: 2A

Amenity brand: Caudalíe

Average price: $1,499 round-trip

“It is not going to be the most luxurious business class, but it will be the best for the price,” says Peter Luethi, the Deputy chief executive officer.

The high priced business class fares, scarcity of seats and high demand from the big boys has opened up the door for airlines like La Compagnie to take advantage of the sweet spot most large airliners are missing out on.

La Compagnie’s offers business class at 30-50% less than regular biz-class carriers. Last year, their average cost for La Compagnie was $1,499 round-trip, including taxes and fees vs $1,394 which is the average for an economy round-trip ticket  to London on American Airlines. Finally the average price as of today for a business class seat to London on American is $3,953. So La Compagnie is actually a great deal!

La Compagnie’s seat is 26 inches wide, versus 21 inches on Air France, and 26 inches on American. The seat has 62 inches (5 ft) of pitch, versus 79 inches on Air France and 61 on American—in other words, it’s very competitive, but ideal for little people. The cabin atmosphere is chic and fresh, giving you a feeling of peace and relaxation when you walk in.  Forget about the overstuffed bins, angry passengers and annoying announcements every 20 seconds. Everything just seems sophisticated and enjoyable.

As for drawbacks, they do not have any frequent-flyer program, the lounge is before security, the seats are on the shorter side and the the passengers on the window seat need to climb over the passenger on the aisle.

Overall, for the price it is a steal. You get to fly business class, sleep during the flight and have some extra money to spend in Paris when you get there!

Top 7 American Romantic Getaways of 2016

Once you start a family, I have found that romantic getaways become fewer and farther in between.  My sweet daughter had just turned one, and I was pregnant with the second baby (which happened to be a boy yay!), so my husband and I decided it was the perfect time to escape for a long weekend to relax, reconnect, and have some fun before the second wave of craziness entered our lives.

That is why, when I started planning my yearly romantic escape with my husband, I took this task extremely serious. It is not as easy as before the kids to pack up and leave, but we decided to make an effort to go on two trips every year where it is just the two of us: One within the US and the second one to an exotic country. Hey, having tots doesn’t mean you can’t have fun without them!

I carefully picked a list of 7 ah-ma-zing properties in the US that I knew was going to have perfect service, superb food, chic decor, the spa was going to have rave reviews, and the location was going to be easy to get to. I was not going to take any chances on my one and only trip!

After careful deliberation, I decided to not only book one, but book several throughout the year, so my one and only trip turned into five, ha!

Find below the top 7 romantic hotels for a quick getaway in the US:

Glenmere Mansion


Built in the Gilded Age of America, this 150-acre estate used to be the playground to one of the richest families in America. They would entertain guests ranging from aristocrats, royalty, and premier artists. Now opened at a luxury estate hotel & spa, very minimal work was done to the original estate to keep it as authentic as possible, with just a few modern twists. Perfect, for the seasoned and discerned traveler, Glenmere Mansion combines traditional luxury with outstanding service.







Blackberry Farm


Blackberry Farm is the perfect example of flawless southern hospitality set in a storybook location. Built in 1939 in the idyllic Smoky Mountain foothills, this boutique luxury hotel is located on 6,200 acres of romantic and fog drizzled forest.








Those looking for solace & solitude will love the Amangiri. With a backdrop of some of the top National Parks in the U.S., including the Grand Canyon, this sleek hideaway is perfect for couples who appreciate a stylish and minimal aesthetic while also wanting to explore the outdoors.






Post Ranch Inn


Post Ranch Inn is located in a unique setting, on the cliffs of the Pacific Coast Highway, offering staggering views of the California coastline and wine country. The moment you set foot on Post Ranch, the breeze will awaken your senses and the view will make your eyes sparkle. The romance of the hotel boasts is so intense, that most of the guests are either celebrating their honeymoon or anniversary.


Post Ranch Inn



Four Seasons Santa Barbara


One of my favorite hotels in Southern California, the Four Seasons Santa Barbara is nestled right along the beach, so close you can hear the waves crashing onto the rocks while you lay in bed. Known for it’s year-round perfect weather, Santa Barbara is the perfect place for a weekend getaway with your significant other. Sun, sand, and surf are only steps away from this classic hotel that combines Four Seasons luxury with California charm.


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Lake Austin Spa


Nestled along Lake Austin, the scenic and peaceful view provides the perfect backdrop to unwind. While sometimes 2 glasses of wine do the trick, once in a while a spa weekend is just necessary and Lake Austin won’t disappoint. The spa itself is gorgeous and the staff makes you feel like you are the only guest that matters to them.




Cal-a-Vie San Diego


This crème de la crème spa is a stunning oasis nestled in the hills just north of San Diego with the most breathtaking location in the city. Cal-a-Vie has the most luxurious spa I have ever seen and soon you will as well. Like Golden Door, they tailor every program to suit your personal fitness goals. There is a 5:1 staff-to-guest ratio. Over the top? Nah, I would say it is just perfect for a fussy guest like our readers.




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Top 5: Gifts for Travel Lovers

With the season of giving right around the corner, buying gifts for travel lovers may be one of the hardest groups to give to. They love new cultures, people, places, and food, what could be a broader demographic? Below are our top gifts for the travel aficionado, but you might get jealous so be sure to order two: one for your loved one and one for you!


1. A Night On The River Thames


Brought to you by Airbnb, this part barge part hotel floating house is a unique gift idea for those who have been around the world and back. It has two quaint bedrooms can sleep up to four, and when you stay you get the entire house. This includes the bathroom, kitchen, garden, dog kennel, and steering wheel. The catch is it’s not available for rent, you have to win to stay there, but it’s totally worth it. The house also comes complete with a tour of London and a dinner cooked by Peruvian chef Robert Ortiz. Learn more here

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2. The Smartest Suitcase Ever Created


Bluesmart has created the most technologically advance suitcase seen by this world. Already approved by the TSA, this suitcase is going to be the next big thing in travel accessories. You can control your suitcase from your phone to lock and unlock it, track its location, weigh it, get distance alerts, and much more. The suitcase also includes distance alerts, USB battery charges for when you forget your charges (I always do), a built in scale, and travel stats. James Bond would be proud to carry this suitcase. Learn more here




3. The Traveling Bartender


Hate airline cocktails because of their quality? Well now you can make your own craft cocktails with Stephen Kenn Travel Cocktail Kit. This leather travel kit comes equipped with nine empty bottles, a mixing spoon, and a book that will teach you how to pack the kit for different occasions, as well as make 15 different cocktails, with recipes coming from some of the best bartender’s in the world. Learn more here




4. Private Jet Membership


Think along the lines of Uber, but with private jets. The only thing travelers with they had more of is time, so give them the gift of time-saving. For a small initiation fee of $17,500 and “reasonable” annual dues, Wheels Up members have access to a private fleet of brand new King Air 350i and Citation Excel/XLS aircrafts. Being part of this club also means you get access to their ride-sharing app which enables members to hitch rides and split costs. Learn more here




5. A luxury Hamper


Although not as famously known in the U.S., luxury hampers have long been the perfect gift for family and friends in the UK. Ranging from £20,000 to £500, these hampers come filled to the brim with fine wines and spirits, tea and coffee, cured meats and cheeses and pantry essentials. Christmas-themed hampers also include Christmas pudding, chocolates and luxury Christmas crackers. Each Hamper is uniquely themed so make sure you and your neighbor don’t end up sending each other the same gift! Learn more here



One & Only Hayman Island. Australia

Imagine staying in the world famous Whitsunday Islands, now imagine staying in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, now imagine doing both while staying in the most spectacular hotel in Oceania. At One & Only Hayman Island the above three are possible, so if you are still trying to decide what to do for the holidays, look no further.

When I came across this property I was planning an Australian expedition to find even more hidden gems in the immense continent. Yes, I have been there many times, but anyone that has set foot in Australia knows you need more than that to really discover the hidden beauty of this gorgeous country, but not only is it unparalleled in it’s beauty, but it also happens to have the sweetest humans in the world (I guess coming from a criminal descend is not all that bad).

Forming part of the Whitsundays, named by Captain James Cook in 1770, One&Only Hayman Island (opened only 1 year ago) offers a front-row seat to the world’s largest coral reef system, and the largest structure on Earth made by living organisms. How cool is that?

The location of the hotel was carefully selected by it’s owners, and they couldn’t of think of a better place than this island. The Whitsundays have long been internationally recognized as one of the world’s most beautiful stretches of tropical coastline in the world. The hotel is set in one of the 74 islands, 66 of which are uninhabited so my favorite activity was to explore islands close to the hotel and pretend I was a castaway.

The hotel did it’s best to blend with nature without disrupting the view and feel of pure heaven. It has 160 rooms, however it feels smaller given that they divided it in different sections so the people that want to have a romantic getaway are not bothered by kids playing marco polo, and the kids are no bothered by boring adults reading a book.

The hotel has 56 suites ideal for large families. Nonetheless, the two bedroom pool suite is my favorite due to it’s fresh and clean decor. My second favorite room category is the beach houses which are more secluded and romantic.
The cuisine is always the tricky part in secluded hotels like this because when you stay in remote places the food is either frozen or stale. However, One & Only seemed to discover the secret recipe to fresh and delicious food.

The Great Barrier Reef provides the perfect setting for exciting activities including diving, snorkeling, fishing, sailing, kayaking, water skiing and helicopter and seaplane adventures. However, my favorite activity by far was the Gourmet Picnic. You dine on a secluded beach, in the hush of the rain forest or surrounded by lush gardens.

Reason to love:

The resort recycles water and works with local suppliers to source sustainable ingredients for its restaurants. It also supports a breeding program for the endangered Proserpine rock wallaby on the island, and invites guests to donate to the ZooX fund to preserve the Great Barrier Reef and fund reef research.


The hotel is located just a few hour flight from Sydney, Melbourne and other large cities in Australia. You fly into Great Barrier Reef Airport, and then you are transferred by a luxury yacht or helicopter.

Cal-a-Vie Spa. San Diego, California

French name, French architecture and French elegance? Yes please!

This crème de la crème spa is a stunning oasis nestled in the hills just north of San Diego with the most breathtaking location in the city. Cal-a-Vie has the most luxurious spa I have ever seen and soon you will as well.

Like Golden Door, they tailor every program to suit your personal fitness goals. There is a 5:1 staff-to-guest ratio. Over the top? Nah, I would say it is just perfect for a fussy guest like our readers. We all deserve a little pampering, right?

The staff at this spa truly understands the complexities of each individual, which is why they create a customized program upon your arrival to take advantage of your days at Cal-a-Vie. They tend to focus on every aspect of your wellness including mind, body, and spirit.

Additionally, you will discover that they have the most incredible fitness in the nation, which can include yoga, spinning, boxing, tai-chi, walks, golf among other classes.

In addition to the unmatched spa amenities, the 18 hole Ted Robinson-like golf course is conveniently located a few feet away from the spa, making this a perfect destination if thinking about jet setting with your man.

Still have a few dollars left in your wallet after the Summer travels? If you do, please go to Cal-a-Vie and get a Thai massage for me. Thank me after.


Photographs courtesy of the property.

The Fullerton Bay Hotel. Singapore.

The Fullerton Bay Hotel was rated a Five-Star Hotel by Forbes in 2014, was recently named one of the 100 World’s Best Hotels by Travel + Leisure, and was given the title of the Best New Business Hotel in the Asia-Pacific by Business Traveler Asia-Pacific Magazine.

The interior design of the hotel showcases both a long line of heritage and a welcome modernity.  In the rooms, you’ll find polished rosewood and lattice screens, as well as leather with chrome hues.  The rooms are also equipped with all of the latest technology to ensure that guests always feel accommodated with their technological worlds.

In addition to deluxe, premier and bay view rooms, The Fullerton Bay Hotel has five themed suites, each named and designed after famous Governors: The Robinson Suite, Shenton Suite, Clifford Suite, Anderson Suite and Cavenagh Suite. These suites carry unprecedented luxury and exclusivity – select your pillow from the pillow menu, or sip your tea from the customized Bvlgari Red Tea Collection on your very own balcony.

The Fullerton Bay Hotel also has Heritage Tours, on which an established historian will take you on a walking tour where you will learn about the historical past of the famously conserved buildings that freckle Singapore’s waterfront.  After your historic tour, sit down for a handcrafted cocktail at Clifford Pier, and let the gorgeous views of Singapore charm you from the alfresco terrace.

The Fullerton Bay Hotel’s legendary service and new-world luxury make this your perfect choice for your next trip to Singapore. Our clients absolutely love the room with the private jacuzzi on the terrace, so be sure to request that one – you will not be disappointed.


Photographs courtesy of the property.