Aerophobia-also known as ‘fear of flying,’ is a phobia that affects nearly 1 in 3 adults. Luckily, statistics show that there is a 1 in 11 million chance of being involved in an airplane crash. However, there is still that freak chance that a plane crash will occur. Therefore, it is crucial that all fliers know the proper exit techniques to survive a plane crash.
* 95% of people involved in a plane crash survive.
* Experts are constantly working to make safety improvements to aircrafts so planes are actually much safer than you may think!
* Nearly 30% of airplane fatalities are related to poor evacuation- not the crash itself.
* Aircraft evacuations occur every 11-12 days.
* In a plane crash, passengers have a 90 second window to evacuate the plane.
* There is no such thing as “the safest seat” on the plane.
* Shocking Fact: the most frequent fliers know the least about aircraft evacuations.
* Tips:
* Follow this advice and you’ll be prepared for any sort of scenario that could (hopefully not) arise on your next flight!